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The Cetelem Foundation for inclusion through digital sharing

13 million. 

This is the number of French people who say they have difficulties using digital tools, according to the Digital Society Mission. At the time of dematerialization, inequalities in access and use of the digital are growing, especially among the most fragile. Access to social rights, public services, employment and education is thus compromised for many French people.

The Cetelem Foundation for inclusion through digital sharing

Thus, in order to fight against illiteracy and promote digital inclusion, the Cetelem Foundation for Inclusion through Digital Sharing has been supporting for 3 years selected projects of general interest according to three main lines of action: access, good use and digital sharing.

Its Missions

The Cetelem Foundation promotes and promotes digital inclusion. It stimulates the dynamics of solidarity and sharing through digital technology, through its support for projects of general interest. Its objectives can be summarized in three points: access to digital, transmission of digital skills and digital sharing.

Under the aegis of the Fondation de France, the Cetelem Foundation sets itself the objectives of promoting and promoting digital inclusion.

3 years of commitment to digital inclusion projects

270,479 beneficiaries in 2020

For Jean-Marie Bellafiore, President of the Cetelem Foundation: "Beyond the digital transformation challenge of the BNP Paribas Group as a whole, BNP Paribas Personal Finance is therefore pursuing its ambition to promote accessible digital technology that is more useful to society, a source of social innovation and sharing for all. And it is to unite all its stakeholders around this ambition that the company relies on its foundation and positions it at the heart of its citizen engagement strategy."

Support from our partners with a positive impact

The AGIRabcd association has long been committed to supporting populations in difficulty and combating the exclusion of fragile people. The Cetelem Foundation supports the development of its digital support projects.

The Agence Nouvelle des Solidarités Actives (ANSA) implements actions to fight poverty and exclusion. Alongside it, the Cetelem Foundation has led to the creation of innovative and solidarity-based projects, such as the “Pilotbudget” programme.

The Apprentis d'Auteuil are a major player in the social sector, committed to prevention and child protection. The Cetelem Foundation is working with them on a digital development project in schools, designed as a lever to reduce social inequalities and foster professional integration.

The promotion of scientific culture is at the heart of the actions of the Association Science Technologie Société. Accompanied by the Cetelem Foundation, it develops digital mediation for the general public thanks to a scooter on the square of town halls, shopping malls…

The Break Poverty Endowment Fund develops programs to prevent youth poverty. In partnership with the Cetelem Foundation, it deploys the Connected Success Program, which aims to equip, support the digital and school support for disadvantaged young Normans and school dropouts.

Culture Prioritaire offers educational and cultural services to 14-18 year-olds from popular Parisian neighborhoods in order to fight against inequalities. The Cetelem Foundation is involved in the equipping of computers for disadvantaged young people and in the development of guidance tools.

L'Ecloserie numérique is a third Norman community centre dedicated to developing social inclusion and economic development in the rural world, using digital technology. The Cetelem Foundation has supported training programs in digital manufacturing and computer development.

The School of the 2nd Chance of Marseille gives young adults who have left the school system without a diploma the means to succeed professionally. The Cetelem Foundation is at its side for the establishment and development of its E-Nova platform, promoting access to employment and the follow-up of young people.

A leader in digital support for seniors in Île-de-France, Delta 7 is carrying out a project alongside the Cetelem Foundation: equipping seniors with digital tablets adapted to their fragility and training in the use of them.

The Cetelem Foundation is a partner of the Homeless Plus app which allows the geolocation of homeless people to facilitate their access to help provided by volunteers. The Foundation supported the development of the V2 application.

Les Entreprises pour la Cité supports the Innov'Avenir programme, which aims to help young people in priority neighbourhoods and rural areas find the jobs of tomorrow. In this sense, the Cetelem Foundation participates in the deployment of actions in schools.

Innovons pour la Citoyenneté sur Internet hosts digital mediation workshops for job seekers, young people with few or no graduates, elderly and isolated people.Thanks to the Cetelem Foundation, the association benefits from digital equipment to enable the training of 260 RSA beneficiaries towards digital autonomy.

Positive Planet ambition is professional integration through entrepreneurship. The Cetelem Foundation is a partner of the association and intervenes for the development of a third-place. It aims to support residents of priority neighbourhoods in mastering the digital for their entrepreneurship project.

The association Permis de Vivre la Ville promotes the involvement of people in participatory projects. Convinced that digital can be a vector of professional and social integration, we cooperated on the colorization of the film The Little Vampire by Joann Sfar (2020), which was entrusted to young people aged 18 to 25, in integration, and without diploma.

The Soliha association works on behalf of disadvantaged, fragile or vulnerable people in two areas: maintenance and access to housing. The Cetelem Foundation supports a programme to provide access to services related to housing for people who are poorly housed in the digital divide in the Rhône-Alpes region.

Sport dans la Ville supports young people from priority neighbourhoods in their education, their access to training and employment through sport. The association and the Cetelem Foundation are partners in developing the equipment and digital training of very vulnerable young people in Marseille.

Reducing the digital divide and electronic waste are the ambitions of the Transnuméric association. Accompanied by the Cetelem Foundation, it developed a project in the Lot-et-Garonne: equipment for beneficiaries in digital divide thanks to reconditioned equipment.

Voisin malin aims to restore a place in society to the inhabitants of working-class neighbourhoods. By training certain residents who then become themselves trainers, it builds on their ability to create social ties with their peers. The Cetelem Foundation is a partner in digital skills development projects for people living in working-class neighbourhoods.

The association Votre École chez Vous provides home schooling for students suffering from severe pathologies. In order to facilitate the schooling of students, the Cetelem Foundation carries with the association the development of virtual classes and equipment of computer equipment.

The social start-up of Emmaus Connect We Tech Care aims to turn digital technology into a real insertion lever. The Cetelem Foundation participated in the development of the learning platform Les Bons Clics and an E-Training on digital skills.

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