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“On the front of climate change”: Back to the conference of glaciologist Heidi Sevestre

On 27 September 2023, as part of the European Sustainable Development Weeks (ESDW), renowned glaciologist Heidi Sevestre delivered a captivating lecture on the pressing challenges of climate change. A look back at this time of discussion for a more sustainable future.

A career dedicated to glaciology

Heidi Sevestre is a world-renowned glaciologist who devotes her life to the study of glaciers and their interactions with climate change. Thanks to her many field missions that have taken her from the Himalayan mountains to the Arctic regions, Heidi has a unique and global perspective on the challenges posed by global warming. She is not only a passionate researcher, but also an outstanding communicator, committed to sharing her knowledge with the general public.

Melting glaciers: an alarming signal of climate change

Glaciers act as giant thermometers of our planet. By observing how quickly they melt and disappear, we can only observe the consequences of human activity on our planet. An important part of the discussion with the glaciologist focused on the close relationship between fossil fuel consumption and melting glaciers.

Fresh water sources, hydroelectricity, field irrigation, maintaining the level of our rivers, cooling nuclear power station… Beyond their role as climate change indicators, glaciers provide countless essential services to humanity. With the melting of these frozen surfaces, it is therefore a vital good that we are gradually losing.

Ppopularization and education at the heart of action

As Heidi so aptly points out in quoting Baba Dioum, education and awareness are key factors in the fight against climate change. Thus, this conference is part of an effort to make BNP Paribas Personal Finance employees aware of the major environmental issues facing our society.

Nous protégeons ce que nous aimons. Nous aimons ce que nous comprenons. Nous comprenons ce qui nous a été enseigné.

Baba Dioum

It also resonates deeply with our purpose: To serve our customers and partners, promote access to more responsible and sustainable consumption.

Even if the road is still long, every action counts to fight climate change. Each of us, citizens, employees, companies must work on a daily basis.
At the end of June 2023, BNP Paribas Personal Finance had €8.1 billion in assets under sustainable finance, including €2.3 billion in loans to finance renewable energies. We also contribute through our subsidiary Domofinance, the only financial institution entirely dedicated to financing energy renovation and home improvement works.

A future to shape together

Heidi Sevestre’s conference, followed by a signing session, is a poignant reminder of the urgency of the climate crisis. With European Sustainable Development Weeks in full swing, its message sounds like an inspiring and optimistic call to action. Because even if the situation is alarming, Heidi keeps smiling. With a collective commitment to sustainability, we can still shape a better future for our planet and future generations.

Heidi Sevestre - signing session
Heidi Sevestre - conference
Heidi Sevestre - signing session

Two of her books:

  • Sentinelle du Climat, with the collaboration of Isabelle Marrier
  • Sentinelle du Climat, written with François Bernard
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