European leader
in financing for individuals


BNP Paribas PF undertakes to make its website, Personal Finance, accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February, 11th 2005.

To this end, it is implementing the following strategy and actions:

  • A multiannual accessibility plan being drafted
  • Actions will be carried out soon
  • An action plan is being drafted

This accessibility statement applies to BNP Paribas PF – Personal Finance –


BNP Paribas PF – Personal Finance – is not compliant with the General Accessibility Improvement Framework (RGAA), version 4.1 due to the nonconformities and exemptions listed below.


Urbilog’s compliance audit reveals that:

  • 37% of GAAR 4.1 criteria are met
  • The average online compliance rate is 55%.

Name of applicable criteria : 62

Name of compliant criteria : 23

Name of non-conforming criteria : 39


The contents listed below are not accessible for the following reasons:


  1. Images

– Image <img> with information without text alternative

– Image <img> with information without text alternative

– Image <img> with information without text alternative

– Image <img> decorative not ignored by assistive technologies.

– Image <img> decorative not ignored by assistive technologies

– Textual alternative doubled by an image <img>

– Image with a large amount of information, requiring a detailed description in the form of numbered lists.

– Image with a large amount of information, requiring a detailed description in the form of numbered lists.

– Incomplete detailled description.

  1. Frameworks

– Framework without title

– Framework without title

– Irrelevant framework title

– Irrelevant framework title

  1. Colors

– Information transmitted only by colour – menu

– Information transmitted only by colour

– Less than 4.5:1 contrast between text and background

– Less than 3:1 contrast between text and background

– Less than 4.5:1 contrast between text and background – common elements

– Less than 4.5:1 contrast between text and background

– Less than 3:1 contrast between text and background

– Less than 4.5:1 contrast between text and background

– Less than 3:1 contrast between text and background

– Less than 4.5:1 contrast between text and background

– Less than 3:1 contrast between text and background

– Less than 4.5:1 contrast between text and background

– Less than 4.5:1 contrast between text and background

– Less than 3:1 contrast between an interface component and its background

– Less than 3:1 contrast between an interface component and its background – common elements

– Less than 3:1 contrast between an interface component and its background

– Less than 3:1 contrast between an interface component and its background

– Less than 3:1 contrast between an interface component and its background

– Less than 3:1 contrast between an interface component and its background

– Less than 3:1 contrast between an interface component and its background

– Less than 3:1 contrast between an interface component and its background

  1. Multimedia

– Presence of multimedia time media without text transcription or audio description

– Temporal media not identifiable

– Time media not controllable on keyboard

– Media not compatible with assistive technologies

  1. Board

– Nothing to declare

  1. Links

– Visible title of the link that is not included in the accessible title (All pages via Header and Modale cookies)

– Link label not explicit (All pages via Header and Footer)

– Composite link to be created (All pages via Footer)

– Composite link to be created (Home page and Join us)

– Link redesign (Home page)

– Link label not explicit (Page Who are we?)

– Link label not explicit (Article page and Article podcast)

– Link wording not explicit (Sygma page and Report)

– Link redesign (Page podcast)

  1. Scripts

– Bad vocalization of a modal window

– Carousel interacting poorly with text to speech

– Improper use of a button

– Incorrect vocalization of breadcrumbs

– Map to be made tabulable

– Absence of aria-current attribute

– Non vocalized element

– Poor vocalization of an accordion

– Non vocalized check box

– Nature of an unidentifiable button

– Poor keyboard interaction for a modal window

– Button not operable on keyboard

– Irrelevant focus repositioning

– Poor interaction with toolbar keyboard

– Cannot be reached at keyboard

– No keyboard interaction of check boxes

– Poor menu interaction

– Presence of a script causing a change of context to be reported

  1. Obligatory Elements

– Duplicated IDs

– Elements <div> in a <cite>

– Form “action” attribute must not be empty

– Page titles not relevant

– Page title is not relevant

– Language change not reported

– <i> used for presentation in common areas

– <i> used for mobile presentation

– <i> used for presentation purposes

– <p> used for presentation purposes

– <strong> used for presentation purposes

– <br> used for presentation purposes

– <br> used for focus presentation purposes

– <em> used for presentation purposes

– <b> used for presentation purposes

– <u> used for presentation purposes

– <strong> used for display on a Carousel

  1. Structuring of information

– Titration plan not relevant

– Label to be identified as a security

– SIMPLE NOTE: hole in the title structure

– Title content not relevant

– Inconsistent document structure

– List to be coded as a list

– Presence of an empty list

– Quote not shown

  1. Presentation of information

– Presence of “color” and “background” attributes for presentation purposes

– Map with “frameborder”, “width” and “height” attributes

– Presence of “width” attribute for presentation purposes

– Little visible link to surrounding text with and without focus

– Focus not noticeable

– Focus not noticeable enough

– Presence of a vertical scroll bar in height display of 256 pixels

– Presence of a horizontal scroll bar in 320 pixel width display

– Overlapping content in portrait mode

– Overlapping texts when increasing spacing properties

– Cut texts increasing spacing properties

– Additional content appearing via CSS not visible on the keyboard or by pointing device

  1. Forms

– Input field without visible label.

– Input field without label

– Field label not relevant

– Grouping of fields to be created

– Button without label

– Button title not relevant

– Voice button label 2 times

  1. Navigation

– Note: Do not confuse search engine with search field

– Lack of means to reach or avoid clustering areas

– Absence of an avoidance link

– Note: Provide for avoidance links

– Additional content not accessible on keyboard

  1. Consultation

– Downloadable office document not accessible


– Nothing to declare


– Nothing to declare


Cette déclaration d’accessibilité a été établie le 18 juillet 2023.


●  HTML 5

●  CSS

●  Javascript


The content retrieval checks were performed on the basis of the combination provided by the RGAA 4.1 reference base, with the following versions:

●  NVDA 2021.2 and Firefox 98

●  VoiceOver Mac OS 12.2 and Safari 15.3


●  Contrast Rate Control Extension Bar WCAG Color Contrast Checker

●  Assistant Extension Bar RGAA V4.1 Compéthance

●  Web Extension Bar Developer toolbar

●  Browser Inspector

●  UserCSS/Stylus



If you are unable to access any content or service, you may contact the Accessibility Manager [Person’s Name] to be directed to an accessible alternative or to obtain the content in another form.


This procedure is to be used in the following case. You have reported to the website manager a lack of accessibility that prevents you from accessing any content or services of the portal and you have not received a satisfactory response.

●  Write a message to the Defender of Rights – []

●  Contact the delegate of the Defender of Rights in your region – []

●  Send a letter by mail (free, do not put a stamp): Defender of rights Free answer 71120 75342 Paris CEDEX 07