European leader
in financing for individuals

My job in 3 words: empathy, listening and humanity!

Being a responsible credit player means standing alongside our customers at every stage of their lives. This is also embodied by support in case of hard times!

Marion works in customer relations and is in charge of monitoring the estates of our deceased clients. She shares with us her daily work in the Litigation and Over-indebtedness Recovery Department and explains her career as well as the various aspects of her profession: a meaningful, diversified business that requires a strong sense of listening, a good dose of empathy and a lot of humanity, to accompany our client’s heirs in these difficult times. 

Unfortunately, sometimes a customer who is in the process of repaying a credit, passes away. In this case, it is essential to be with our client’s heirs to help them going through this painful and often complicated event as serenely as possible. Marion coordinates insurance, heirs and the various stakeholders in order to find solutions and thus avoid that heirs find themselves in complex financial situations.

Beyond the managerial and administrative aspects that this mission requires, what motivates Marion to carry out her job every day is to bring comfort in her own way to the families with whom she is in contact throughout the files.

Watch her testimony on video!

(Re)discover the testimonies of MeriemYann and Laurent who also work in the Litigation and Debt Recovery Division!

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