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BNP Paribas Personal Finance helps Cécile de Ménibus to support single-parent families!

The animator and journalist Cécile de Ménibus has long been committed to solidarity with single-parent families. She wanted to bring solutions to a crucial expenditure item for these low-income households: mobility. In order to support this approach, BNP Paribas Personal Finance, 1807 Lacharrette and FlexFuel Energy Development are teaming up to offer a special Leasing offer for single-parent families.

What does this offer consists in?

This Leasing formula allows families to:

  • consider acquiring a Crit’Air 0 or 1 vehicle
  • control spending over the long term by managing an all-inclusive monthly budget with maintenance included
  • to enrich the formula with additional services (financial loss guarantee, extension of the guarantee, personal insurance, etc.) where applicable
  • to become an owner for the price of a rent at the end of the contract, with an option to purchase 1% of the price of the vehicle.

Families will therefore be able to purchase a lease with purchase option for up to 10 years for a used vehicle less than three years old Crit’Air 0 or 1 from 150 euros per month, including maintenance. They will have access to complementary services, as well as support for budget management and eco-responsible driving, for example. At the end of the contract, the device allows the vehicle to be acquired via a low residual value.

In addition, thermal or hybrid vehicles will be equipped with FlexFuel bioethanol boxes.

What is the planned accompaniment?

BNP Paribas Personal Finance also offers complementary support, access to budget coaching sessions provided by its employees, a budget management application and eco-training coursesdriving intended to teach fuel consumption reduction.   

Discover Cécile de Ménibus’ interview:

Can you introduce yourself in a few sentences?

I am a radio/television host, producer and business leader. I am a Lieutenant-Colonelle of the Gendarmerie’s citizen reserve and very committed to solidarity on the ground.

Tell us about your commitment to single-parent families? Why do you care about this theme?

I come from a single-parent home and I have experienced the difficulty for a mother to take charge of the household budget alone. We did not live in a big city so no public transport and the car was one of the essential elements in our daily life. Schools, work, extracurricular activities.

What is this network of mutual aid and solidarity to help single-parent families to reduce their expenses?

Thanks to the outstretched hand of mobility professionals, Groupe 1807 and FlexFuel as well as BNP Paribas Personal Finance, aware of the urgency, single parents with children(s) will be accompanied in their need for secure mobility and adapted to their budget thanks to a new device.

What are the major actions you have undertaken?

The subject of single parenthood is a national issue since it affects more than 2.5 million French people. In these times of crisis, of uncertainty about the future of mobility, we must make a smooth transition adapted to the reality on the ground. I therefore asked the regions of France and certain ministries on the subject and I must admit that the common momentum is warm to the heart.

How do you integrate your network, or how do you seek help and advice?

Any good will is welcome. Deploy this device to the maximum to regain purchasing power and secure mobility.

Why did you choose 1807 Lacharrette, FlexFuel and BNP Paribas Personal Finance as partners to offer a special offer tailored to the specific needs of these families?

I think it’s something that affects all of us, whether it’s a mother, a father, or a family member or a friend, and it’s becoming more and more common in our society. We must accompany them with adapted tools, to make their daily lives more gentle. This action with my partners is a common sense adventure, to help when the most fragile needs it. They all responded unconditionally! This is rare enough to want to point it out. I sincerely thank them.

What difficulties do these families encounter on the car and what pressure does this put on their budget?

The first difficulty of the car is that it represents after the cost of rent, the second heaviest item in the budget of a household. Car, insurance, maintenance and fuel. The second is that, for budgetary reasons, these vehicles are often poorly insured and maintained, which poses a real road safety problem. In addition to the arrival of EFZs, the low-emission areas will no longer allow these vehicles to access the city centres of certain large urban areas because the vignettes of these vehicles are often Crit’Air 5, 4 and 3. This means that these vehicles will be subject to traffic restrictions. We had to act quickly.

The third difficulty often lies in the inability to sell your car, because you don’t always know who to contact, because it is too old and in poor condition, but also because the financial means do not allow us to access recent and decarbonized mobility.

As an automotive specialist, can you explain to us how this specific Leasing solution particularly meets the needs of single-parent families?

Because it is designed and adapted to different family situations. Because it is unique over time. 10 years is huge! Because it is complete, you are bought back your car, you are not obliged to re-inject the amount of the sale for the purchase. Because the car is guaranteed for 10 years, there are no overhaul fees (which average between 120 and 200 euros). Because you don’t have to change your bank.  Because you can buy your vehicle back for rent. And because my mobility partners will accompany them and this human social bond is still a helping hand when times are more complicated.

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