“With our offers, we want to facilitate access to cars for everyone and enable our customers to take pleasure in achieving their project Laurence explains automotive financing offers
Our consumer habits have been evolving a lot in the past several years and the car market is no exception. Motorists are less attached to owning their cars and they change them more often. They want to make life easier for themselves and save time. They also want to access recent, better-performing cars that are more environmentally friendly.
BNP Paribas Personal Finance is at its customers’ sides and supports them in these changing habits with it Lease with Option to Purchase and Long-Term Lease offers that follow this trend.
To offer its customers the possibility of accessing the car of their dreams, BNP Paribas Personal Finance has extended its offering, as explains Laurence Lallau, Nanterre operational site manager in charge of the Specialist Automotive Division, the only entity in France with the capacity to sell all types of vehicle to an individual with the complete finance offering.