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in financing for individuals

« Cetelem Spain & the 3C, the initiative supporting three groups strongly affected by the health crisis: Commerce, Consumers and Community »

For more than a year, the Covid-19 crisis has disrupted our habits, our social relationships and our environment. Commercial activities, which are particularly affected, are no exception.

In Spain, Cetelem teams, who care about social responsibility, have implemented the 3C action. This initiative aims to support three groups strongly affected by the health crisis: Commerce, Consumers and Community. Isabel Marcos, Retail Marketing & Communication Manager, and José Antonio Gimeno, Retail Marketing & Key Accounts Director, reveal the outlines of this great initiative!


The 3C: Commerce, Consumers, Community

The scope of the 3Cs includes Commerce, including partners, especially small and medium-sized stores — local ones were particularly affected during this health crisis, Consumers for whom Cetelem teams in Spain have provided support through responsible consumption, and Community, in particular the most vulnerable.


The initiatives: from financing to contributions

This action is a a financing promotion with great conditions for our partners and our end clients. For each financing, Cetelem has made a contribution to the Spanish Food Bank Federation, a non-profit organisation with the objective of collecting food that would normally be wasted in order to be distributed to people in need. In addition, if the client downloads the mobile app and registers, we undertake to double the contribution!


The whole positive impact

With more than 12,000 food rations distributed to people in need in our partner’s communities and neighbourhoods, the 3C project was a great success! Cetelem teams in Spain also achieved the best score for transactional (70) and relational (84) NPS. The initiative has generated a lot of positive feedback from customers (8.7/10 overall satisfaction):

“It encourages consumption in these difficult times.”
“Very well done! It boosts the economy and is good for consumers. “
“An offer that is easy to access and use!”

But the action with the greatest impact was through our partners. With the awareness-raising activity about the importance of commercial fabric and the protection of the most vulnerable, they have a great influence on the local community.


What’s next?

Involvement, enthusiasm, positive impact… These are the key words of this 3C project! All parties involved have had a general awareness that certainly calls for a new experience!

The next steps? Co-creation with partners, another promotion this year, but also developing actions with major customers and distributors through their sponsors, foundations and NGOs in order to support them in their sustainable initiatives.


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