European leader
in financing for individuals

About us

Vision and mission

The Cetelem Foundation is committed to working for a society where digital is accessible to the greatest number and where the integration of everyone is facilitated by shared knowledge and practices of digital.

Our mission is to promote and foster digital inclusion. The Cetelem Foundation drives solidarity and sharing dynamics through digital, through its support for projects of general interest.

Our Governance

the Executive Committee

The Cetelem Foundation has an executive committee composed of 9 directors including 5 representatives of the company and 4 external qualified personalities, appointed for a term of 3 years, renewable once. It meets at least once a year and defines the guidelines and validates the projects supported by the Cetelem Foundation.

As of July 1, 2024, the members of the Cetelem Foundation Executive Committee are:

Photo de Miruna Senciuc, Présidente de la Fondation Cetelem

Miruna Senciuc
Présidente de la Fondation Cetelem

Photo de Carole Destruhaut, Déléguée Générale de la Fondation Cetelem

Carole Destruhaut
Déléguée Générale de la Fondation Cetelem

Photo d'Isabelle Guittard-Losay, Membre du comité exécutif de la Fondation Cetelem

Isabelle Guittard-Losay
Membre du comité exécutif de la Fondation Cetelem

Photo d'Isabelle Wolff, Membre du comité exécutif de la Fondation Cetelem

Isabelle Wolff
Membre du comité exécutif de la Fondation Cetelem

Photo de Perrine Tesse, membre du comité exécutif de la Fondation Cetelem

Perrine Tesse
Membre du comité exécutif de la Fondation Cetelem

  • Hamid Limani: Head of Mission University Life for IUT Bobigny (Paris XIII)
  • Charlotte Limousin: Entrepreneur Founder THARGO
  • Jan Buscher: Deputy Chief Executive Officer of MEDNUM The cooperative of digital inclusion actors
  • Cédric Bienvenut: Secretary General of the Cetelem Foundation
  • Aurélie Mercier: Representative of the Fondation de France

The committee of volunteer collaborators

This committee, made up of volunteers from the community of employees of BNP Paribas Personal Finance, reviews all eligible projects from the new associations and pre-selects those that are best aligned with the Foundation’s challenges.
The pre-selection of projects established by this committee is then presented to the Executive Committee, which is responsible for the final validation of the projects and the granting of grants.

Une vraie découverte que sont toutes ces associations qui œuvrent sur tout le territoire pour promouvoir l’inclusion par le partage numérique auprès de populations souvent isolées et ou exclues du numérique. Le choix a été difficile tant les projets sont riches et divers, mais cela a été une très belle expérience de pourvoir participer aux comités de pré-sélection.

Christine Berrie
Assistante du DCRC RVO de Mérignac

The diversity of projects supported

The Foundation team is committed to supporting structures of general interest, including projects:

  • concerning beneficiaries of various profiles (youth, homeless, seniors, people with disabilities, etc.);
  • are socially innovative (bringing school home for sick children, training caregivers in digital, offering e-mentoring, training via digital for eloquence and speaking…);
  • are deployed in all territories of France, including the Overseas Departments and Regions (DROM).

The associations supported in 2024

Logos of all associations supported in 2024 by the Cetelem Foundation