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The first edition of the Automotive I/O: Bridging Minds event – throwback to over 40 hours of streaming on the future of mobility!

From 20 to 23 March, the largest virtual event dedicated to technological innovation in the automotive sector took place, of which BNP Paribas is the main sponsor!

On this occasion, more than 180 stakeholders met to discuss industry transformation and the future of mobility. We were joined by industry opinion leaders, sports champions, global thinkers and journalists.

Among the speakers, Ronny Seidel, Global Head of Commerce and Mobility at BNP Paribas Personal Finance, participated in a session on the future of the automotive market: A financial one-stop shop to support dealers and manufacturers in changing times. This conference was also driven by Andrea Zagli, Head of Mobility at Findomestic Banca and Alessandro Pigazzi, Director of Retail and Partnerships at Arval.

They discussed the benefits of BNP Paribas’ all-in-one “Mobility One Bank” approach. They also discussed the important topic of transforming the business models of OEMs and car dealers to provide their consumers with a more sustainable and affordable mobility.

Ronny Seidel also took part in another session: The automotive market in China, accompanied with Qiyun Liu, Head of Business Development at BNP Paribas Personal Finance, who shared her expertise on the topic. The challenge was to understand the huge transformation of this market, characterized by a mix of local players.

Matthieu Jolly, Services and Innovation Manager at Echangeur BNP Paribas Personal Finance, as well as Matthieu Soulé, Head of the BNP Paribas C. Lab Americas, participated in a session on the theme of: Start-ups and breackthrough technologies developed for the mobility industry. They discussed the latest innovations for electric vehicles as well as autonomous vehicles, while focusing on the driver-consumer, which directly influences the future of car dealers.

Another conference dedicated to anchoring the car in the daily lives of consumers: Long live the car… Customer needs for daily mobility. How have user behaviours changed? How has the mobility offer evolved? Two major questions to which Pascal Roussarie, Head of Prospective at BNP Paribas Personal Finance, tried to respond during this session using information from the latest studies of the Observatoire Cetelem. And exploring emerging customer trends.

Finally, Pedro Nuno Ferreira, Head of Mobility at Cetelem Portugal, took part in the conference: Digital financing solutions in automotive distribution. A talk focused on the progressive digitalization of the car purchase journey, and in particular on the need to rethink it, to maintain engagement along specific touchpoints.

Automotive I/O: Bridging Minds was a great opportunity for us to participate and support the debates on mobility and its transition. These topics are at the heart of BNP Paribas’ strategy and its One Bank model. Leveraging on the expertise of BNP Paribas Personal Finance, Arval and Cardif, it supports the transition to a more sustainable mobility for manufacturers, distributors, and users.

We thank MotorK for inviting us to be part of this journey and building collective intelligence with the automotive community during this profound transformation process.

Global Head of Commerce (Mobility), BNP Paribas Personal Finance
Photo Ronny Seidel, rond
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